【cricket and cicada seeds】South Korea's Hyundai target 2019 global sales of 4.7 million vehicles

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea's Hyundai Motor Co <005380.KS>on Wednesday announced their combined 2019 global sales target at 4.68 million vehicles.

Hyundai had also set a combined sales goal of 4.68 million vehicles for 2018. Thecricket and cicada seeds automaker is set to disclose 2018 sales later on Wednesday.

【cricket and cicada seeds】South Korea's Hyundai target 2019 global sales of 4.7 million vehicles

Euisun Chung - heir apparent to Hyundai Motor Group, which also runs Kia Motors Corp <000270.KS>- said the South Korean automakers would launch 13 new models this year.

【cricket and cicada seeds】South Korea's Hyundai target 2019 global sales of 4.7 million vehicles

(Reporting by Hyunjoo Jin and Ju-min Park; Editing by Christopher Cushing and Jonathan Oatis)

【cricket and cicada seeds】South Korea's Hyundai target 2019 global sales of 4.7 million vehicles

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